Ally Purchon Acupuncture

About Acupuncture. Ally

What is Acupuncture and how can it help me?

Acupuncture originated in China over two thousand years ago. Since then it has developed and integrated into other systems of health care. In the UK, acupuncture is well respected as a treatment for many conditions and works well alongside conventional western health care.

In recent years, acupuncture has performed well in western medical trials and is now commonly recommended by doctors for a variety of conditions. In addition, many patients consult Ally for treatment in order to maintain their health, or to enhance their feelings of wellbeing.

Acupuncture involves using fine sterile needles to stimulate points on the body. Treatments can be directed toward a specific physical issues, but more commonly will address the overall health of the patient, working to make each person more relaxed and balanced, restoring calm and assisting recovery through a fully holistic approach. Traditional acupuncture acknowledges the mind and body are intrinsically linked, and works to the benefit of both. This makes acupuncture a very useful treatment to combat stress.

'I arrived to rehearse David Walliams 'The Boy in the Dress' totally burnt out by a non stop year of acting. I felt physically and mentally exhausted, everything ached. I didn't have the energy to open another show. A Doctor advised complete rest, which was not an option. I seriously worried my fatigued was so great I might have to pull out, but then I found Ally. She was a godsend. With her wonderful, caring, holistic approach she understood completely. After an in depth consultation and only a few acupuncture treatments , I felt completely de-stressed, re-energised, balanced and back to my normal self and able to carry on. Ally kept in touch with follow up treatments which I used as power boosts throughout the run. I can never thank her enough. She literally saved the show. I thoroughly recommend her to everyone. She is amazing.'

Forbes Masson. Mr Hawtrey. The Boy in the Dress. Royal Shakespeare Company. 2019/2020

Ally Purchon is a an experienced acupuncturist covering Stratford Upon Avon, Warwickshire and the West Midlands.


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